
Donald Joseph Qualls better known as his DJ Qualls stage name DJ Qualls was born in the United States. He is an actor, producer and model. Alongside his Road Trip role, he was also a part of The New Guy Hustle & Flow and The Core. As well as appearing in Breaking Bad Supernatural, Scrubs as well as Lost Law & Order as well as several other. Qualls has been fighting Hodgkin's Lymphoma since the age of 14 old. In two years, the cancer has gone into Remission. His body was badly affected by the treatment and the development of his body was slow down. Security in the financial realm was his primary goal once he got started since he'd experienced hardship all through his childhood. I've lived such a low-cost lifestyle and for so long, I'm able been able to enjoy that financial security or else the world seems beyond my control, he stated in an interview. In the course of an interview the actor also discusses his growing up. The goal of his is to stop the bullying. The cruelty inflicted on him hurts him to the core. The ideal character for him in films and in his life is father. However, he admits that "Directors do not cast me in the roles I'm in." For the foreseeable future, he hopes to become father to a child.

D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls


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